

Ali Hargreaves’ work comes under the umbrella and business name ALISART. Her work is varied and experimental. She loves bright colours and textures and is always striving towards a higher goal. She believes that we are always evolving as artists and need to push the boundaries and try to discover new things through serendipity. She pushes her students to do the same in a thoroughly nice way.

Ali teaches regular adult Art classes in Watercolours, Acrylics, Mixed media and Textiles art. Her classes are all full, with waiting lists, which is a testament to her popularity. She also runs Saturday, midweek workshops and painting holidays in fantastic locations both in this country and abroad and demonstrates regularly to art groups and societies. 

Ali is a PA for the SAA. She has run several Live workshops, which are filmed, and have the potential to reach over 43,000 people, she has written several articles for “Paint” magazine.
In 2019, Ali was invited to be the Tutor for “Ready Steady Paint,”which is an Art Subscription for 6-11 year olds. Ali has thoroughly enjoyed the whole process. This is a growing steadily and, again, the feedback has been fabulous.

Ali is also a designer for Malini soft furnishings company. Her cushion designs can be seen in retail outlets across the country.

How to find Ali H online:




Ready Steady Paint:

Ali is based in Poynton, Cheshire


Telephone: 07890 425544


Ali’s Latest News:
Since Lockdown, Ali has sent out highly detailed lesson plans with photo references at every stage. These have proved to be very popular with her classes. She has been offering them to other students during Lockdown. £51 for six lessons. She also offers basics lessons for free for those who are beginners or feeling a bit rusty. Just email if you’d like more info’ or would like to sign up for them.